In the “old days,” there were two gender Labels (Female, Male) and basically, two sexual identity Labels (Straight, Gay). We’re living at a time when there are, by various accounts, anywhere from 40+ to 60+ different sexual/gender Labels, and the list seems to grow each day (according to current estimates, there are now.
The importance of personal identity – how people may WANT to be seen and labeled – is at an all-time high. These labels can be profoundly helpful for those who are seeking to connect, who share similar identities/perspectives/experiences — especially for people who do not, or cannot, define themselves within traditional binary constructs. And, as with all Labels, there is always that duality. Labels can be used as weapons—separating people from each other, focusing on differences, not on commonality that highlights shared experiences.
These labels can surely be confusing to people of all ages — those who are being labeled, as well as those trying to understand what they mean, or why they are important. Particularly with those who grew up in a world with only “Man/Woman,” “She/He,” “Straight/Gay.” Being labeled by other people, even if the label fits, can take away from its intent. Millennials and GenZ have the right to choose for themselves what their gender and sexual identities are when they’re ready to say it and when the label fits. And, it’s opening-up the freedom to question and look, for people of all ages.