Everyone is on a spectrum of everything. Everyone wants to feel that they belong. By using storytelling we connect people at places that transcend age, gender, race, sexual identity, ethnicity, geography and political affiliation.
TRIBES is a word that surely reflects one of our core notions…that each of us has a different reaction or response to words/language. Labels. We would have different definitions. Varying thoughts on it being “good” or “bad.” Or caring about the concept, or not. Based on our own perspective and personal lens. None of which makes any of us, “right” or “wrong.”
Personal Inclusion and Resonance are the underpinnings of what we consider to be Tribes. A Sense of Belonging. And, they generally fall into two categories. 1. Something in which we (can) identify, that is elemental to who we are, that we generally had no choice in (like being an only child, having black skin, curly hair, being super tall, losing a parent as a kid, a child of divorce, having a disease or diagnosis, etc…the list goes on, you get the picture). 2. A chosen passion or interest (a sports team, a type of cuisine, kayaking, Francophiles, skating, living in a community, etc.). Oh, in our case, those that Do No Harm.
We can belong to as many Tribes as we like, as varied and as many as we identify with. It’s about Inclusion, not Exclusion.