We are in the midst of a global (Un)Civil War of Consciousness that threatens to tear us apart. Labels are infused and enmeshed in every aspect of society, and a major, elemental contributor to this polarization. There’s probably not a waking hour that passes, when we are not being labeled, and/or labeling others, based on our own assumptions, judgments and generalizations that create separation – within ourselves, and with others.
Why Labels?
As a society, we’ve seemingly lost the ability to have civil discourse because, as the world becomes more polarized, separation and differences become the focus, not the ties that bind us. Our social systems often shame us, silence us, and divide us. ULM believes that traditional binary paradigms and ways of looking outward – Right/Wrong, Black/White, Left/Right, Female/Male, Red/Blue, Old/Young, Haves/Have Nots, Us/Them – are no longer viable.
Humans instinctively seek to belong. While social media is a means of “connecting” individuals, we’ve never been more disconnected. Without a platform like ULM, social media fails to foster real Community. UnLabel
We bear witness to the truths and perspectives of all who participate. Everyone – now, more than ever – has a story they want, and/or need, to tell: a perspective to share. A desire to be seen heard, gotten. ULM is about building a community – a community that endorses diversity and self-expression as elemental to learning and appreciating “difference” as an asset of the Human Community.
Our Logo is Black/White. Life Isn’t.