We are in the midst of a global (Un)Civil War of Consciousness that threatens to tear us apart. Labels are infused and enmeshed in every aspect of society, and a major, elemental contributor to this polarization. There’s probably not a waking hour that passes, when we are not being labeled, and/or labeling others, based on our own assumptions, judgments and generalizations that create separation – within ourselves, and with others.

Building Community and aligning Tribes both IRL and online. We stand by the ethos that “being social is as important as social media.”
Our Platform is based on the Power of Personal Storytelling – the sharing of personal experiences, beliefs, curiosities, and yes, even ignorance – in all forms (words, pictures, music, film/video, live events). Our intention is to “Open Minds. Not Change Them.” Labels ignite assumptions, which lead to judgments, and then separation (from ourselves and others). Personal, authentic Storytelling opens our Perspective on any subject, it’s the foundation for Empathy, Compassion, which leads to Human Connection. Focusing on where we are more similar than different.
Are you a Human who believes in notions like We’re All in “This” Together, Words Matter, and that Mental Health is Everything? Do you feel that, when it comes to the State of the Planet, it’s essential that we Lower the Temperature/Raise the Vibration? If so, then you’re our audience. We don’t give a rat’s tuchis (it’s Yiddish) about your Age, Race, Ethnicity, how you identify in your Sexuality or Gender, or where you live or were born. Or what (if any) political party you belong to.

Growing up in NYC, Jonathan Pillot took in life through the unparalleled lens of the world’s truly Global City of Diversity. As a redheaded “New York Jew” in a matriarchal house, he understood early on the power of the feminine, becoming a man who embraced his yin at least as much as his yang.
We are doing our best to walk our talk at each step, in each component and element, of UnLabelMe. From what we create to the conversations we are igniting to who is co-creating with us. If we indeed are ALL in this thing called life, together, how could we not seek out a wide range of wisdom and perspective? Our Creative Consiglieri are a collection of BoomerZennials who share common passions and appreciation for being Bridgers, for the Power of Personal Storytelling, the Magic of Creativity, as well as a commitment to deepening Intergenerational Connectivity. Humans who believe in Humans.
We are all on a Spectrum of Everything. And, on different places on those Spectrums. It doesn’t make anyone’s better…just different. On some level, we all want to (feel that we) belong. By using Personal Storytelling we connect people at places that transcend age, gender, race, sexual identity, ethnicity, geography (and, maybe even political affiliation). These are a few of the many Tribes for which people have been sharing their stories. Some are what might be called “serious,” others more fanciful. All personal and real.
Are we serious? Are we fun? Do we care deeply? Do we want to help make the world better? Yes x4! And we write about it all in our UnlabelMe Blog. Catch a few entries below.
Do we want you to write a blog about labels? Is that a trick question?
Yes, yes, and again… yes!